Members of the Alliance
We proudly partner with associations for infant mental health globally, in addition to other child-serving organizations who support the Alliance’s mission and vision for a well-equipped, knowledgeable, and skilled workforce for those working with or on behalf of infants, young children, and their families.
In 2025, 36 U.S. states associations for infant mental health, as well as associations in Ireland and Australia, make up a global network of professionals dedicated to supporting the mental health of infants and young children. Through the use of the Competency Guidelines and Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Endorsement (IECMH-E®), we set the standard for quality care, ensuring that professionals have the knowledge and skills needed to make a meaningful and lasting impact.
Join us in expanding our reach and building a stronger, more equipped workforce to support the emotional and social development of infants, young children, and their families.
US State Associations for Infant Mental Health
Mississippi Association for Infant Mental Health
Missouri Association for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Nevada Association for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
First3Years Texas (formerly Texas Association for Infant Mental Health)
Alaska Association for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Center for Early Relational Health (formerly Washington Association for Infant Mental Health)
Idaho Association for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (also known as Aim Early Idaho)
Infancy Onward (formerly Indiana Association for Infant and Toddler Mental Health)
Iowa Association for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Kansas Association for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health (originators & copyright holders)
Minnesota Association for Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health
Country Associations for Infant Mental Health
Weatherston Summit for Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Leaders
Since 2008, infant/early childhood mental heath leaders from the Alliance network meet for an annual Leadership Summit. Each Summit provides an opportunity for Alliance members to share lessons learned related to the promotion and implementation of workforce development initiatives, like competency-based training, reflective supervision and Endorsement, building capacity for reflective supervision/consultation, collaborating with community partners, networking with one another, and strengthening of each organization.
2014 Retreat participants in Kansas City, MO
2022 Summit Attendees in Navasota, TX