The Early Years Training Series for Infant, Family, Early Childhood Workforce
March 28, 2025, May 30, 2025, September 5, 2025 |
Live-Online |
Free |
Register Here |
Brief Description: This training series provides those professionals working with families with young children an opportunity to connect mental health and wellness of the child and family to the developing brain.
Length of Training: 10:00am-11:30am PST
Age Groups Covered: Infants (0-3), Early Childhood (3-6), Adults
CEUs Provided: No
Organization/Trainer: Start Well / Dr. Jean Barbre
Contact Email: Sandy Avzaradel
Competency Areas: Pregnancy and Early Parenthood, Infant-Young Child Development and Behavior, Infant-Young Child Family Center Practice, Relationship Focus Practice, Attachment, Separation, Trauma, Grief & Loss, Self Awareness, Emotional Response, Supporting Others
Strong Roots Core Training
February 19, 20, 21 & March 13, and 14, 2025 |
Live-Online |
$1,500 |
Register Here |
Brief Description: Core Training teaches the Mom Power curriculum. Mom Power and/or Strong Roots Parenting is a 10-week, 13-session evidence-based, theory driven intervention that uses an innovative and proven curriculum specifically designed to target trauma-induced barriers to healthy relationships, social support, and engagement with resources and services. While manualized, Mom Power is highly individualized and interactive and provides a nurturing environment for mothers as they reflect on their lived experiences and grow the skills and tools needed to promote both their own and their children’s health and well-being.
Length of Training: 12pm-5pm EST
Age Groups Covered: Adults
CEUs Provided: Yes
Organization/Trainer: Diana Saum
Contact Email: Diana Saum
Competency Areas: Infant-Young Child Development and Behavior, Infant-Young Child Family Center Practice, Relationship Focus Practice, Attachment, Separation, Trauma, Grief & Loss, Cultural Humility, Observation & Listening, Developmental Guidance, Reflection, Personal & Professional Development, Self Awareness, Curiosity, Parallel Process
Reflective Supervision for the Whole Job - Track 1
February 2025-September 2025 |
Live-Online |
$2,000 |
Register Here |
Brief Description: The Reflective Supervision for the Whole Job is a holistic, equity, diversity, inclusion, and trauma-informed, long-term learning approach developed by the Reflective Supervision Collaborative. Reflective Supervision is increasingly used and frequently required in programs serving families with infants and young children to encourage critical awareness of self and others, promote high-quality services, and reduce burnout and secondary traumatization of service providers.
Length of Training: 12-2pm EST
Age Groups Covered: Adults
CEUs Provided: Yes
Organization/Trainer: Reflective Supervision Collaborative
Contact Email:
Competency Areas: Relationship Focus Practice
Honoring Cultural Diversity in Early Childhood Education and Care |
24/7 |
Recorded Webinar |
$15 |
Register Here |
Brief Description: Early childhood educators and care providers support the values, strengths and potential of each child and their family. This workshop will encourage participants to explore their own social identities. Participants will discuss concepts related to equity, diversity and inclusion. Participants will engage in activities that promote an appreciation for different cultures. Read More...
Length of Training:1.5hrs
Age Groups Covered: Adults
CEUs Provided: Yes
Organization/Trainer: Danie Rice, LMSW, MSA, IMH-E®, PhD Candidate
Contact Email:
Competency Areas: Cultural Humility, Infant-Young Child Development and Behavior, Curiosity, Personal & Professional Development, Self Awareness
Relationship-focused Interactions: Setting Limits and Sharing Control in Early Childhood Classrooms |
24/7 |
Recorded Webinar |
$15 |
Register Here |
Brief Description: This session introduces relationship-based, child-centered interactions to support children's development and reduce power struggles. Participants will engage with concepts of shared control, limit setting, and perspective taking. Practice activities will allow for participants to develop their comprehension of the content and apply it to their everyday experiences with children.
Length of Training: 55mins
Age Groups Covered: Adults
CEUs Provided: Yes
Organization/Trainer: Christine Snyder, MA
Contact Email:
Competency Areas: Infant-Young Child Development and Behavior, Developmental Guidance
An Introduction to Neuro-developmental Trauma in a 0-3 Population
24/7 |
Recorded Webinar |
$40 |
Register Here |
Brief Description: In this training, Dr. Stephanie Grant will provide an overview of what trauma is and how it occurs with an emphasis on the 0-3 population. Information related to neurodevelopment and the stress response system will be highlighted.
Length of Training: 2.5 hours
Age Groups Covered: Infants 0-3
CEUs Provided: Yes
Organization/Trainer: MI-AIMH, Stephanie Grant, PhD, LPC, IMH-E®
Contact Email:
Competency Areas: Attachment, Separation, Trauma, Grief & Loss, Infant-Young Child Development and Behavior, Infant-Young Child Family Center Practice, Pregnancy and Early Parenthood, Parent/Infant Young Child Relationship-Based Therapies & Practices, Developmental Guidance, Observation & Listening, Curiosity, Emotional Response
Infants & Toddlers with Challenging Behaviors: Observing our Internal & External Worlds
24/7 |
Recorded Webinar |
$25 |
Register Here |
Brief Description: This training will call upon reflective functioning to think about ways in which we observe young children with challenging behaviors and how we respond. We will think about our implicit biases, behaviors that trigger our own emotional reactions, and how our bodies respond when observing children Read More...
Length of Training: 1hr 40 mins
Age Groups Covered: Infants 0-3
CEUs Provided: Yes
Organization/Trainer: MI-AIMH, Kelsi Robertson, LMSW, IECMH-E®
Contact Email:
Competency Areas: Infant-Young Child Development and Behavior, Developmental Guidance, Observation & Listening, Supporting Others
Supporting Early Childhood Brain Development and Executive Function Skills through Relationship-Focused Play
24/7 |
Recorded Webinar |
$25 |
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Brief Description: In this session, participants will explore the areas of brain development in the infant and toddler years including three key components of executive function. Participants will make connections between brain development and executive function skills and identify opportunities to support brain development and executive function skills in practice. This session supports the ability to scaffold brain development through relationship and playful interactions.
Length of Training: 1.5 hours
Age Groups Covered: Infants 0-3
CEUs Provided: Yes
Organization/Trainer: MI-AIMH, Christine Snyder, MA
Contact Email:
Competency Areas: Infant-Young Child Development and Behavior, Developmental Guidance
Using Yoga to Explore Attachment, Attachment Behaviors & Regulation Strategies
24/7 |
Recorded Webinar |
$30 |
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Brief Description: This interactive workshop will offer infant and early childhood professionals with an overview of attachment styles and how attachment impacts social and emotional development. Participants will learn how yoga can facilitate secure attachment patterns and help with managing challenging behaviors.
Length of Training: 2 hours
Age Groups Covered: Adults
CEUs Provided: Yes
Organization/Trainer: Danie Rice, LMSW, MSA, IMH-E®, PhD Candidate
Contact Email:
Competency Areas: Self Awareness, Infant-Young Child Development and Behavior, Attachment, Separation, Trauma, Grief & Loss
Supporting Infants, Toddlers, and Young Children in Foster Care
24/7 |
Recorded Webinar |
$25 |
Register Here |
Brief Description: In this training, Dr. Grant will discuss what an infant or toddler's experience of foster care is and how to support them through this trauma event. Focus will be given to professionals who care for these children, such as in child care or educational settings or through service programs such as Early On.
Length of Training: 1.5 hours
Age Groups Covered: Infants (0-3), Early Childhood (3-6)
CEUs Provided: Yes
Organization/Trainer: MI-AIMH, Stephanie Grant, PhD, LPC, IMH-E®
Contact Email: Trainer Email
Competency Areas: Attachment, Separation, Trauma, Grief & Loss, Disorders of Infancy/Early Childhood, Family Relationships & Dynamics, Infant-Young Child Development and Behavior, Infant-Young Child Family Center Practice, Relationship Focus Practice, Developmental Guidance, Intervention/Treatment Planning , Observation & Listening, Parent/Infant Young Child Relationship-Based Therapies & Practices, Screening & Assessment, Curiosity, Contemplation, Emotional Response
Through the Eyes of the Rainbow: Understanding Historical Factors, Social Constructs, and Barriers Faced by LGBTQ Parents
24/7 |
Recorded Webinar |
$15 |
Register Here |
Brief Description: Participants will gain an understanding of historical factors and social constructs that have shaped the lives of the LGBTQ community and offer insight to barriers for parents who identify as LGBTQ.
Length of Training: 1 hour 15 mins
Age Groups Covered: Adults
CEUs Provided: Yes
Organization/Trainer: Sharron Fincher, PhD
Contact Email:
Competency Areas: Infant-Young Child Family Center Practice
Creating Space for Fathers in Early Childhood Programs & Practices
24/7 |
Recorded Webinar |
$20-$40 |
Register Here |
Brief Description: Research consistently reaffirms the benefits of positive fathering for children’s wellbeing and development across a range of domains ranging from education to behavioral and physical health. Likewise fathers’ engagement in early childhood programs and practices has the potential to boost the benefits of interventions for families and extend positive outcomes for children. Despite the benefits, father engagement is challenging as well.
Length of Training: 2.5 hours
Age Groups Covered:Adults
CEUs Provided: Yes/No
Organization/Trainer: Jennifer Bellamy, MSW, PhD
Contact Email:
Competency Areas: Attachment, Separation, Trauma, Grief & Loss, Cultural Humility; Self Awareness, Family Relationships & Dynamics
Developing Regulation Through Relationships
24/7 |
Recorded Webinar |
$25 |
Register Here |
Brief Description: In this training, Dr. Grant will explore what regulation is and how it develops. She will focus on the importance of relationships in developing this developmental skill. Strategies for supporting regulation will be presented with a focus on co-regulation.
Length of Training: 1 hour 50 mins
Age Groups Covered: Adults
CEUs Provided: Yes
Organization/Trainer: MI-AIMH, Stephanie Grant, PhD, LPC, IMH-E®
Contact Email:
Competency Areas: Attachment, Separation, Trauma, Grief & Loss, Disorders of Infancy/Early Childhood, Family Relationships & Dynamics, Infant-Young Child Development and Behavior, Infant-Young Child Family Center Practice, Parent/Infant Young Child Relationship-Based Therapies & Practices, Developmental Guidance, Intervention/Treatment Planning, Observation & Listening, Curiosity, Emotional Response
Exploring Infant Attachment and Its Relevance to Infant Mental Health
24/7 |
Recorded Webinar |
$25 |
Register Here |
Brief Description: In this training, Dr. Stephanie Grant will provide an overview of attachment from a biopsychosocial perspective. Material will be presented on the various attachment types as well as issues related to attachment organization and disorganization. Diagnostic relevance will be explored with a focus on the DC: 0-5 and strategies to support the development of secure attachment will be introduced briefly.
Length of Training: 1 hour 40 mins
Age Groups Covered: Infants (0-3), Early Childhood (3-6)
CEUs Provided: Yes
Organization/Trainer: MI-AIMH, Stephanie Grant, PhD, LPC, IMH-E®
Contact Email:
Competency Areas: Attachment, Separation, Trauma, Grief & Loss, Cultural Humility, Disorders of Infancy/Early Childhood, Family Relationships & Dynamics, Infant-Young Child Development and Behavior, Infant-Young Child Family Center Practice, Mental & Behavioral Disorders in Adults, Relationship Focus Practice, Intervention/Treatment Planning, Observation & Listening, Parent/Infant Young Child Relationship-Based Therapies & Practices, Screening & Assessment, Supporting Others, Curiosity, Emotional Response
Behavioral and Social Emotion Concerns: Disorders of Infancy, Overview of FASD and Sensory Processing Disorder
24/7 |
Recorded Webinar |
$30 |
Register Here |
Brief Description: Understanding and addressing behavioral and social-emotional concerns in infants and toddlers is essential for their overall well-being and development. This presentation delves into three critical areas: Disorders of Infancy, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), and Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). Participants will gain valuable insights into recognizing typical and atypical developmental patterns in infants and young children, along with practical strategies for identifying resources for early intervention and support.
Length of Training:1 hour 3 mins
Age Groups Covered: Infants 0-3
CEUs Provided: Yes
Organization/Trainer: Danie Rice, LMSW, MSA, IMH-E®, PhD Candidate
Contact Email: /a>
Competency Areas: Disorders of Infancy/ Early Childhood
Developing Inclusive Approaches to LGBTQ Parent Families of Young Children
24/7 |
Recorded Webinar |
$15 |
Register Here |
Brief Description: This talk will address how educators, therapists, consultants, and other professionals who work with LGBTQ families in early childhood settings can create and foster more inclusive approaches and environments for these families. It will begin with an overview of sexual, gender, and family diversity, briefly addressing the research on family building and family functioning in LGBTQ parent families.
Length of Training: 1 hour
Age Groups Covered: Adults
CEUs Provided: Yes
Organization/Trainer: Abbie Goldberg, PhD
Contact Email:
Competency Areas: Cultural Humility
Finding Your Way Through Conflict: Strategies for Early Childhood Professionals
24/7 |
Recorded Webinar |
$25 |
Register Here |
Brief Description: Social conflict is a natural, healthy and human aspect of relationships. Effective conflict resolution often requires support, perspective, and developing a skill set for engaging in difficult moments. In this session, you will explore components of and personal feelings about conflict, practice recognizing what is happening in a conflict, and develop strategies to engage in productive conflict resolution. Developing both tolerance and skills for engaging in conflict, you will expand your professional conflict resolution skill set in relationships with colleagues and families.
Length of Training: 1hour 45 mins
Age Groups Covered: Adults
CEUs Provided: Yes
Organization/Trainer: Christine Snyder, MA
Contact Email:
Competency Areas: Cultural Humility
RS Bundle - Reflective Supervision in Practice: Building Skills for Infant Mental Health
24/7 |
Recorded Webinar |
$50 |
Register Here |
Brief Description: This bundle contains 5 Reflective Supervision Courses, each course contains a Video, a Quiz, and a Survey.
Length of Training: Various lengths
Age Groups Covered: Age Groups
CEUs Provided: Yes
Organization/Trainer: Various Trainers
Contact Email:
Competency Areas: Reflective Supervision
Reflective Supervision/Consultation in the Virtual Space for IECMH Providers
24/7 |
Recorded Webinar |
$30 |
Register Here |
Brief Description: Learn from providers from Hawaii! This on demand professional development recording offers insights and strategies tailored to Infant and Early Childhood Professionals, focusing on the importance of slowing down and peer collaboration. Facilitated by reflective supervisor Andrea Penick, the group reflective supervision session focuses on supervisee, Lee Lacerdo, as she reflects on her therapeutic relationship with a new client who has experienced past and current trauma.
Length of Training: 1 hour
Age Groups Covered: Adults
CEUs Provided: Yes
Organization/Trainer: Andrea Penick, LMSW, IMH-E®
Contact Email:
Competency Areas: Reflective Supervision
Creating Brave Space in Reflective Supervision Relationships (Listening Skills Workshop)
24/7 |
Recorded Webinar |
$60 |
Register Here |
Brief Description: This workshop is designed to encourage the participate in participating in critical self-awareness to help support cultivating a safe and brave space within their reflective supervision practice.
Length of Training: 2 hours
Age Groups Covered: Adults
CEUs Provided: Yes
Organization/Trainer: Lacretia Powell, LMSW, IMH-E®
Contact Email:
Competency Areas: Reflective Supervision, Responding with empathy; Supportive counseling; Building & maintaining relationships; Empathy & compassion; Supporting others; Listening; Maintaining perspective; Curiosity; Emotional response
Establishing a New Reflective Supervision/Consultation Relationship for IECMH Providers
24/7 |
Recorded Webinar |
$30 |
Register Here |
Brief Description: Witness a genuine and thought-provoking dialogue as Ketrina Kimbrough engages with her reflective supervisor, Danie Rice, navigating through the complexities of her experiences supporting a transracial foster family. Reflective supervision is a dynamic and collaborative process that offers professionals like Ketrina a dedicated space to unpack and examine their emotions, thoughts, and actions in the context of their work. This session highlights the crucial aspect of addressing biases within the therapeutic process.
Length of Training:1 hour 6 mins
Age Groups Covered: Adults
CEUs Provided: Yes
Organization/Trainer: Danielle Rice, LMSW, IMH-E®, PhD Candidate and Kertina L. Kimbrough, MA, LPC, NCC, IMH-E®
Contact Email: l
Competency Areas: Reflective Supervision
Reflective Supervision/Consultation for IECMH Providers in Early Care and Education Settings
24/7 |
Recorded Webinar |
$30 |
Register Here |
Brief Description: Reflective supervision is a dynamic and collaborative process that offers professionals a dedicated space to unpack and examine their emotions, thoughts, and actions in the context of their work. Join Kamilah Henderson as she processes her experience supervising her team and her journey into clinical practice with her reflective supervisor, Karol Wilson. The session begins with the “locating myself” activity, where Karol and Kamilah thoughtfully share the identities and beliefs that impact who they are.
Length of Training: 1 hour
Age Groups Covered: Adults
CEUs Provided: Yes
Organization/Trainer: "Karol Wilson, LMSW, IMH-E®
Kamilah Henderson, LLMSW"
Contact Email:
Competency Areas: Reflective Supervision
Addressing Suspension and Expulsion in Early Education Settings: An IECMH-Informed Approach
24/7 |
Recorded Webinar |
Free |
Register Here |
Brief Description: This webinar frames the issue from a strengths- based systems perspective, explores the importance of this issue for IECMH providers and organizations, and highlights the importance of a proactive stance. It features examples from two states that have successfully implemented strategies to address suspension and expulsion and will demonstrate how this tool can be utilized to support similar efforts in other states and organizations.
Length of Training: 90 mins
Age Groups Covered: Adults
CEUs Provided: Yes
Organization/Trainer: "Allison Lowe-Fotos, Aditi Subramaniam, Angela Webster, Anat Weisenfreund"
Contact Email:
Competency Areas: Self Awareness
Policy and Reflection Parallel Process
24/7 |
Recorded Webinar |
Free |
Register Here |
Brief Description: This 75-minute webinar is intended for systems and policy leaders who want to integrate reflection into all layers of their practice
Length of Training: 1 hour 15 mins
Age Groups Covered: Adults
CEUs Provided: No
Organization/Trainer: Grace Whitney & Stephan Viehweg
Contact Email:
Competency Areas: Reflection
Centering DEIB in Reflection and Policy Work
24/7 |
Recorded Webinar |
Free |
Register Here |
Brief Description: This 90-minute webinar is intended for systems and policy leaders who want to integrate reflection, with intentional focus on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB), in their practice and to advocate for DEIB-informed RSC in their systems
Length of Training: 1 hour 30 mins
Age Groups Covered: Adults
CEUs Provided: No
Organization/Trainer: Grace Whitney & Amittia Parker
Contact Email:
Competency Areas: Reflection
Reflective in Policy Work: Keeping the Baby in Mind
24/7 |
Recorded Webinar |
Free |
Register Here |
Brief Description: This 60-minute webinar is intended for systems and policy leaders who want to integrate reflection, with an intentional focus on keeping the baby in mind
Length of Training: 1 hour
Age Groups Covered: Adults
CEUs Provided: No
Organization/Trainer: Christine Hughes & Stephan Viehweg
Contact Email:
Competency Areas: Reflection
Reflective Supervision/Consultation: How Do I Begin?: Session 1
24/7 |
Recorded Webinar |
$35 |
Register Here |
Brief Description: This 1-hour webinar is intended for anyone who is interested in learning about how to begin the process of becoming a provider of reflective supervision/consultation (RSC) for professionals who work in the infant and early childhood field. This training will cover a range of relational details, like the core components of RSC, how to develop reflective supervisory relationships, and the types of questions to ask as the supervisee or consultee.
Length of Training: 1 hour
Age Groups Covered: Adults
CEUs Provided: Yes
Organization/Trainer: First 3Years
Contact Email:
Competency Areas: Reflective Supervision
Reflective Supervision/ Consultation: Best Practices: Session 2
24/7 |
Recorded Webinar |
$35 |
Register Here |
Brief Description: This 1-hour webinar is intended for anyone who is interested in expanding their exploration of reflective supervision/consultation. The training will begin by introducing and reviewing the newly revised version of the Best Practice Guidelines for Reflective Supervision/Consultation which describes the knowledge, skills, and practices that are critical to RSC. Then, the training will focus on 3 distinct ways that RSC may be provided: program supervision, group supervision, and virtual supervision. Those 3 modalities will be discussed through the use of case examples and examination of common questions, barriers, and lessons learned.
Length of Training: 1 hour
Age Groups Covered: Adults
CEUs Provided: Yes
Organization/Trainer: First 3Years
Contact Email:
Competency Areas: Reflective Supervision
Reflective Supervision/ Consultation: Parallel Processing: Session 3
24/7 |
Recorded Webinar |
$35 |
Register Here |
Brief Description: This 1-hour webinar is intended for anyone who is interested in further exploring the parallel process within reflective supervision/consultation (RSC). The Best Practice Guidelines for Reflective Supervision Consultation say, “A hallmark of RS/C is the shared exploration of the parallel process. In other words, in RSC, attention is given to all relationships, including that between supervisor and practitioner, between practitioner and parent, and between parent, and infant/young child. It is critical to understand how each of these relationships affects the others.
Length of Training: 1 hour
Age Groups Covered: Adults
CEUs Provided: Yes
Organization/Trainer: First 3Years
Contact Email:
Competency Areas: Reflective Supervision