Kerrie L. Schnake, MA, IMH-E®, is a change agent bringing more than 20 years of experience working in infant and early childhood systems. She serves as the founder and CEO of South Carolina Infant Mental Health Association (SCIMHA) and earned Endorsement as an Infant Mental Health Mentor in Policy as part of the state’s inaugural Endorsement cohort.
Prior to her work with SCIMHA, Kerrie established the state’s Infant/Toddler Specialist Network at the University of South Carolina in partnership with the SC Department of Social Services. Kerrie also created Be Well Care Well, a program designed to support the well-being of child care providers. ZERO TO THREE awarded Kerrie the first IECMH Leadership in Policy award for her systems growth work to support very young children and their families. Kerrie earned a bachelor's degree in sociology from California State University, East Bay and a master's degree in early childhood education with an emphasis on public policy from San Francisco State University.