Board President
Meyleen Velasquez
Dr. Meyleen Velasquez, DSW, LCSW, LICSW, PMH-C, RPT-S™, is a Latina immigrant psychotherapist, trainer, and consultant specializing in infant and perinatal mental health. She is a Board member at the Washington Association for Infant Mental health and a Zero to Three expert faculty for the DC:0-5™. Meyleen holds a certification as a FirstPlay© supervisor and is a Facilitating Attuned Interactions (FAN) mentor and trainer. In 2022, she completed a doctorate in social work and focused her research on anti-racist and anti-oppressive perinatal mental health services. She's served as the Chair for the Florida Chapter of Postpartum Support International, on the committee for the Broward Chapter of the Florida Infant Mental Health Association, and as a past President for the Florida Association for Play Therapy. Her practice supports birthing people and clinicians working from an anti-oppressive framework. She identified as a Brown person for most of her life until several years ago when Vitiligo impacted how she navigates the world. Meyleen is committed to advancing social justice and supporting providers to practice from a lens of healing and liberation that recognizes the unique gifts of minoritized communities.